Monday, November 17, 2008

writing about fourth essay

I think for my fourth essay i will write about my grandfather and all of the things he has accomplished in his life. Or i was also thinking about writing the baseball field in which i used to play as a youngster which i discussed in my writing journal. i still need to do some more thinking on how i will develop the essay because i want to be a lot more specific for my next essay. i want to focus on one particular thing and not get off the subject like i felt i did in my third essay.


Jenna said...

I like the idea of the baseball field. You could write about the significance that the sport has made in your life and any accomplishments you might have had. You could discuss why the baseball field is important to you- maybe you met your closest friends there or spent time with a loved one, or this could possibly be a place where you realized you had a great passion for the sport. There's a lot of ideas you could write about and I'm sure your essay will be a good one.

Matt Dempsey said...

writing about yoru grandfather sounds like a good topic there is a lot you can do with that. I just wonder where your going to take it, like what he mayu have taught you, or how he affected you, or even the differences between his life as a teen and yours things of that nature. The idea about the baseball field i a good one just as well because i haeve a field near my house where we playyed basbeball, football, soccer, even tryied to play golf there, lol dont ask but i think you can show some really good concepts. The idea of youth and whats its like to go back there now as an adult. good luck and any topic you persue i believe will turn out to be great

JenniferRose said...

I like the idea of the baseball field a lot better as I feel it is more developed by you. You have discussed it in class as the baseball diamond being a metaphor for life and I think that is a brillant and beautiful idea. Go with it. How can you zone in on that and how old would you be? What symbols would you use? Also baseball is an all-Amercan spoort. Is your family from America? It is also a masculine sport so what did this teach you? G o with this one Edgar. It has more power and symbolism.

Diana said...

I think it would be interesting to focus on your grandfather. The field could be good too, but you could probably come up with more description and more to write about with your grandfather, since you probably took notice of him more so than of a field you played at when you were little. As you grow up, you probably also were able to make better associations than you did when you were younger.
Where would you focus be? Do you look up to your grandfather and try to model yourself after him? Does he represent something specific for you?
You could describe him by his features, clothes, maybe his gestures or how he keeps his home... things like that and use that as the outline for your essay.
I like this idea. I think you could turn it into something really powerful =)

The Cookie Monster said...

i like the idea about your grandfather. while i am sure you are a very interesting person, writing about your grandfather through your eyes would be even more intriguing, because you would be combining the life of another man through your life. As if your grandfather is living vicariously through you, or the other way around. You would have many dimensions to explore with this idea.