Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blog 14 intor of Third essay

When thinking about an object which I would like to base my story around the first and most important thing I think about is my house. A house becomes a home when there is love and unity in it. A place where I feel safe, loved, warmth like no other place on the face of the planet. I have lived in five houses my entire life, but out of those houses I have always lived in one home. No matter where my next house will be, I will still carry on the same morals and virtue which I received in my mother’s home. This particular house in which I am living in at the current moment has a thousand stories to tell. All of the stories connect directly to my support system, my family, my home. I remember very vividly my high school graduation, and most importantly the moments before and after my high school graduation which occurred in my house with my family. Taking pictures with my mother, my grandparents, my aunts, sisters and nephews, my grandfather tying the knot on my tie, my girlfriend writing “grad 05” on the back of my car, etc. Those are the moments which I remember from my graduation and they all happened in my house more importantly my home. Or I can write about the time that I got fired from my first job and felt helpless, felt as if the world had crumbled down on my shoulders, the first place I went was my home. There I knew I was going to be able to recoup get back up and start all over. My house is the place where I start and finish my day, my place of reflection, source of love and hope, the place where I feel certain in this uncertain world my home.

I will need time to think about which occasion I will write about, there are many. I will also need input from my peers on whether this is a correct topic or if it is even a topic of interest.


Jenna said...

I love this idea. I would have never even thought about writing about my home but now that you have brought it up, your home is truly where all of your memories are. I too have moved often and the house that I live in now I consider home because I have lived there the longest and experienced the most there. I think you have so many possibilities to write about. I love the idea of your first job. Getting fired is such an upseting event and home is definitely a place where you can go and find comfort. I think you can write a great segmented essay with this idea. You could start with possibly getting the job, then being fired, and finally returning home to start over again. This could be a story of a journey where you have found yourself through your home. I really like your idea and I think your essay will be a great read.

The Cookie Monster said...

You have a good idea for a concept essay. You base the format of your entire essay around the blueprint of a house, and how your "home" is in many ways the blueprint of the man you have become. You could break it down by multiple levels using that form of symbolism. You could even go as far as quoting the opening lines of Luther Vandross's song "A House is Not a Home" and detailing to the reader how incredibly true those lines are.

Matt Dempsey said...

I think writing about your home is such a great idea because now that i think about it i love every bit of my house. I think that you could segment your essay based upon the rooms in yuor house or even the levels. I know that in my house every part has its own meaning and i look at in my own special way. your essya is going to be a great one and i wish you all the luck with it

Diana said...

This is a really good idea for an essay. It's something that's important to everyone, but that most people probably wouldn't think to write about.

Maybe you could write this in terms of the rooms in your house (maybe you can choose a few that have the most significance).
You might also be able to take the concept of the house and relate that to the life, love, and safety you speak of in your "intor" (haha) the house for the bigger picture of these concepts.

Should be interesting. This is a great topic