Saturday, October 25, 2008

Blog # 11 Story of an object

The process of looking for only one or two objects that I have a special connection to is very difficult because there are many objects that I could tell many stories about. For now I am going to pick my baseball glove which I have had since I was eleven years old and I still use to this day.
MY glove and I go a long way back it has brought me many enjoyable moments. One in particular which comes to my mind is a story that is troubling but funny at the same time. Before I start it I just wanted to say that nobody got hurt during this incidence. It was another summer day in a hot New York summer. My best friend Samuel and I went to play catch like we did seemingly every other day that summer of 1999. The Yankees were on a tremendous winning streak, I remember that quite vividly because I wanted o go play catch that particular day because of it. It was a rather gloomy but humid day. Samuel and I went o the usual park but since it had been raining earlier in the day we decided to play on the side walk rather then in muddy field. The park was very solitary since it was right next to a highway behind a hospital and the only ones that played there were Samuel and I. we had two usual neighbors however, a crazy homeless man who sat on the hill behind the trees and sang songs while he was listening to his radio. I must admit the first couple of times we went to the park and he was there Samuel and I were a bit terrified, nevertheless he was harmless. Our other neighbor was this senile old man who never bothered us either. He would usually just sit down on the benches next to the park. Like I said that day the field was muddy so Samuel and I were playing on the sidewalk and the old man was sitting there as well. So Samuel threw me the ball and I threw it back and he threw me the ball and I threw it back this went on for a while. And then all of a sudden it happened. As I was going through the motions I accidentally hit the old man in the face with a hard baseball while he was innocently reading his newspaper. I felt so bad but I followed my instincts and I stared running. The worst part about the whole thing is that my best friend just stood their motion less and the old man started screaming at him, by that time I was already down the block. He later told me he stayed there because he wanted to get his ball back. So as I ran I was yelling at him and waiving “go go go run go home” but he didn’t. Anyways like I said the old man was fine. Later on about two months later my friend and I were playing catch once again and the old man came by us and we had a long talk about that day and about life. It turned out the old man wasn’t as senile as I thought. He was actually pretty nice and philosophical. Ill never forget the last thing he told me “never run away from your obstacles stay there and take it like a man”. LOL

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