Sunday, September 14, 2008

Enhancing definition of CNF

Bret Lott's essay on "Toward a Definition of Creative Nonfiction" Enhanced my conception of what nonfiction creative writing is and what it should be. Every life no matter how uneventful it might be is worthy of writing about. What matters the most is "piecing together the events" that truly matters, for it will give you more insight into who you truly are. Another aspect of the essay I found interesting is the fact that we should make up or reorder what happens in our lives not to make sound good or to satisfy the reader, because what we are truly after is not to entertain as in fiction writing, but to "understand what is that has happened". However the most appealing concept I took from this essay was the fact that in writing creative non fiction we are exploring a continent which has not yet been explored before, ourselves. The truth is that one shouldn't be shy or feel weird about writing nonfiction because the self is the subject we know most about and by writing about it we are discovering things about ourselves that we didn’t know before. Even if we write not to publish the rewards as Lott mentions are great because we will more deeply "understand" who we truly are.
Kinkaids "Biography of a Dress" is a hilarious narrative (well at least to me), it is also a provoking story which doesn’t have much significance (not even to the writer). However it demonstrates that creative non fiction doesn’t have to be enlightening as long as the author his or herself is enlightened. The essay is definitely very unique, (I personally have never read anything like it). the author is simply "exploring" what she remembers of her second birthday. The narrative is a diary that was written thirty two years after the occurrence. However this story is one which you can not put down until you finish it maybe because it has a plethora of run on sentences or maybe because it is compelling and one as a reader only wants to know what happens next. And that is what makes it a good peace of writing, and a worthwhile reading, you might not find the meaning of life in this story but it brings you a couple o steps closer (or maybe it doesn’t) LOL.

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